Lesson Plans Page Steve Morse
Excel Spreadsheet from a Quicken Report
[Quicken 2007]
------------------------- Generate the Report -------------------------
1/ Open Quicken.
2/ Open the Report in Quicken that you want in Excel.
3/ Click 'Export Data' (top of Window).
4/ Click 'Report to Excel Compatable Format'.
5/ Using 'Look in:' navigate to the desktop (top entry in the list).
6/ in 'File name' enter a file name.
7/ Click 'Open'.
8/ The report will now be on the Desktop AS A TEXT file.
------------------------- Convert the Report -------------------------
9/ Launch Excel.
10/ Click File >>> Open.
11/ Look in: Desktop.
12/ Files of type: text File.
13/ Click on the text file you created in 6 & 7 above.
14/ Click Open.
15/ Click Next.
16/ Click Next.
17/ Click Finish.
18/ Format the sheet as is your wish! (or just leave it!).
19/ Click File >>> Save As.
20/ Enter a file name.
21/ Save as type: Microsoft Excel Workbook.
22/ Click Save.
Excel Spreadsheet With an Index in it.
A spreadsheet with an Index in it. (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tQnJr0Lvpc129fKP69NyA1g&output=html)
Site map: (to be added later)